Progeny Report

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Name IMZA# Sire Gender Birth Date Breeder Sorted by OwnerOwner Progeny
Photo Available RGB Shawn T-11168 MCP Jasper B 08/02/2024 Bob Balensiefen Bob Balensiefen
Photo Available SILVER DOLLAR 35 T-6403 SILVER DOLLAR TARBABY C 04/03/2013 Cody & Kathy J Deines Cody & Kathy J Deines
Photo Available SILVER DOLLAR SMOKEY T-6406 SILVER DOLLAR TARBABY B 04/08/2014 Cody & Kathy J Deines Cody & Kathy J Deines
Photo Available SILVER DOLLAR SWEDE T-5597 PALOMINO RIVER ZAC B 07/06/2010 Cody & Kathy J Deines Cody & Kathy J Deines
Photo Available SILVER DOLLAR ZAC T-5601 SILVER DOLLAR TARBABY B 05/14/2011 Cody & Kathy J Deines Cody & Kathy J Deines
Photo Available RGB Onyx T-8751 AAA LIL STAR PRINCE C 07/19/2019 Bob Balensiefen Janet Holguin
Photo Available RGB BoogieBoy T-9894 RGB Prince Dean B 06/19/2021 Bob Balensiefen Mary Kirkpatrick 1
Photo Available RGB Milky Way T-10803 MCP Jasper B 07/15/2023 Bob Balensiefen Nick Borgman

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Database last updated by IMZA Registrar on Tuesday September 17, 2024 at 12:36 AM EDT.

Pedigree search engine designed and developed by Capable Computing, Inc.
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