Progeny Report

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Sorted by NameName IMZA# Sire Gender Birth Date Breeder Owner Progeny
Photo Available DLC Miss Tessa T-7821 Heiken's Ark Jamal C 08/15/2017 Dennis Cheatham Dennis Cheatham
Photo Available Mullis Magic Man T-7317 STARLANDS HOT EDITION B 04/11/2014 Dennis Cheatham Sherwood Mullis
Photo Available PaintedSprings Miss Dolly Z-8656 Starlands JC C 08/07/2016 Dennis Cheatham James Dillaman 2
Photo Available STARLANDS BROOKE T-4711 STARLANDS WILLIE C 05/06/2008 Dennis Cheatham Dennis Cheatham 1
Photo Available STARLANDS DARK SMOKE Z-5754 STARLANDS BLADE RUNNER C 04/22/2011 Dennis Cheatham Dennis Cheatham or Donna Griffin
Photo Available STARLANDS LADY RED P-4065 SUBRAS MANIPULATOR C 06/18/2006 Dennis Cheatham Dennis Cheatham 1
Photo Available Starlands Lil Spiret Z-6804 STARLANDS HOT EDITION C 05/23/2015 Dennis Cheatham Dennis Cheatham 3
Photo Available STARLANDS LITTLE RED ROSE Z-3556 AJJs Taxes C 04/16/2005 Dennis Cheatham Dennis Cheatham
Photo Available STARLANDS SUN SHINE T-5076 STARLANDS BLADE RUNNER C 06/20/2009 Dennis Cheatham Dennis Cheatham

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Database last updated by IMZA Registrar on Tuesday September 17, 2024 at 12:36 AM EDT.

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