Progeny Report

3 Animals Out Of Earls Acres Terra
Page 1 of 1
Name IMZA# Sire Gender Sorted by Birth DateBirth Date Breeder Owner Progeny
Photo Available Earls Acres Dusty HT2-8533 ONT LIL VALENTINO S 03/27/2016 Samantha Ketchersid Landen Cubley
Photo Available NewDay Ranch Bart HT1-8716 Bubba Licious B 03/09/2019 Laura Day Laura Day 1
Photo Available NewDayRanch Getting Western HT1-9434 Bubba Licious B 05/28/2020 Laura Day Laura Day

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Database last updated by IMZA Registrar on Tuesday September 17, 2024 at 12:36 AM EDT.

Pedigree search engine designed and developed by Capable Computing, Inc.
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