International Miniature Zebu Association
Pedigree Search

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 Breeder Name or #:   Brand/Tattoo/Tags/Microchip: 
 Owner Name or #:   State/Province:
 Gender:   Sire Name:  
 Milk Protein:   Dam Name:  
 Chondro Status:   Parentage DNA:  
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1 Animal Matched Your Search Criteria
Page 1 of 1
Sorted by NameName IMZA# Sire Dam Gender Birth Date Breeder Owner
Photo Available DAB Moon Glow H3-7677 DAB LINCOLN DAB MOON BEAM C 07/22/2014 Dennis Beranek Danis Nickell

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Database last updated by IMZA Registrar on Thursday July 25, 2024 at 2:00 PM EDT.

Pedigree search engine designed and developed by Capable Computing, Inc.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibted.