International Miniature Zebu Association
Pedigree Search

Search Criteria

 Animal Name:   IMZA Reg. No:  
 Breeder Name or #:   Brand/Tattoo/Tags/Microchip: 
 Owner Name or #:   State/Province:
 Gender:   Sire Name:  
 Milk Protein:   Dam Name:  
 Chondro Status:   Parentage DNA:  
 Show Win Title:   Clear Search Fields
  Only show animals with photos.    
  Only show animals that are for sale.  

Fill in the search criteria that interest you and leave the rest blank. Most of the fields accept partial input (for example, part of an animal's name). Once you've filled in the desired criteria, click the Begin Search button to find all matching animals. The results will appear below (you may have to scroll).

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All rights reserved.  Unauthorized duplication prohibited.

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Database last updated by IMZA Registrar on Wednesday October 16, 2024 at 7:09 PM EDT.

Pedigree search engine designed and developed by Capable Computing, Inc.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibted.